Tag Archives: discuss

Manchester needs a new intellectual movement. Discuss.

10 Feb


The old art of civilised debate has been lost to many of us. We don’t join political parties, we don’t engage in campaigns, yet there seems a surge in interest in attending live events where the content is provocative and intellectually stimulating. Couple that with a real smartening up of Manchester’s burgeoning knowledge economy and we have the beginnings of an idea. Discuss.

Along with two guys I’d got to know over the years, but didn’t realise they knew each other, our idea was born. Me, Martin Carr of True North and Mike Emmerich of New Economy have between us been to a few London events, the Hay Festival and the brainy end of Manchester’s various festivals. But more than that we have a vision, a dream, a big hairy audacious goal; to bring people together from different walks of life, into a safe and fun forum for debate and discourse. Are we mad? Discuss.

A lot of business events I go to – and have curated – tend to find a mushy consensus around which everyone agrees, then much of the conversation hovers around that. Having a firm view, putting a flag in the ground and saying: ‘this is what I believe’ – is unusual. But is it tenable? We thought so. Our approach is to set up a debate around a strident question – and invite two people on each side to make a case for 8 minutes. We then take questions and allow the audience to vote. And to Discuss.

The best debaters are those that enter the spirit – they play to the theatrics of the debate – commending the motion to the house, pre-empting objections, respectfully disagreeing. At least three of the 20 we’ve had so far have agreed to speak before they’ve even decided which side to take. It’s important to build that slightly playful element in. Discuss.

So, from an events professional’s point of view, apart from the massive challenge of building a business, selling sponsorships and tickets and coming up with the idea, it’s also a huge personal challenge to moderate debate between clever people who communicate so well. I love it, it’s one of the most exciting things I’ve been involved in. Discuss.